11,777 research outputs found

    Dilatation operator and the Super Yang-Mills duals of open strings on AdS Giant Gravitons

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    We study the one-loop anomalous dimensions of the Super Yang-Mills dual operators to open strings ending on AdS giant gravitons. AdS giant gravitons have no upper bound for their angular momentum and we represent them by the contraction of scalar fields, carrying the appropriate R-charge, with a totally symmetric tensor. We represent the open string motion along AdS directions by appending to the giant graviton operator a product of fields including covariant derivatives. We derive a bosonic lattice Hamiltonian that describes the mixing of these excited AdS giants operators under the action of the one-loop dilatation operator of N=4 SYM. This Hamiltonian captures several intuitive differences with respect to the case of sphere giant gravitons. A semiclassical analysis of the Hamiltonian allows us to give a geometrical interpretation for the labeling used to describe the fields products appended to the AdS giant operators. It also allows us to show evidence for the existence of continuous bands in the Hamiltonian spectrum.Comment: 28 page

    Discriminating word senses with tourist walks in complex networks

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    Patterns of topological arrangement are widely used for both animal and human brains in the learning process. Nevertheless, automatic learning techniques frequently overlook these patterns. In this paper, we apply a learning technique based on the structural organization of the data in the attribute space to the problem of discriminating the senses of 10 polysemous words. Using two types of characterization of meanings, namely semantical and topological approaches, we have observed significative accuracy rates in identifying the suitable meanings in both techniques. Most importantly, we have found that the characterization based on the deterministic tourist walk improves the disambiguation process when one compares with the discrimination achieved with traditional complex networks measurements such as assortativity and clustering coefficient. To our knowledge, this is the first time that such deterministic walk has been applied to such a kind of problem. Therefore, our finding suggests that the tourist walk characterization may be useful in other related applications

    Semiclassical partition function for strings dual to Wilson loops with small cusps in ABJM

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    We compute the 1-loop partition function for strings in AdS4×CP3AdS_4\times\mathbb{CP}^3, whose worldsheets end along a line with small cusp angles in the boundary of AdS. We obtain these 1-loop results in terms of the vacuum energy for on-shell modes. Our results verify the proposal by Lewkowycz and Maldacena in arXiv:1312.5682 for the exact Bremsstrahlung function up to the next to leading order in the strong coupling expansion. The agreement is observed for cusps distorting either the 1/2 BPS or the 1/6 BPS Wilson line.Comment: 28 page

    Strings in AdS_4 x CP^3, Wilson loops in N=6 super Chern-Simons-matter and Bremsstrahlung functions

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    We find 1/6 BPS string configurations in AdS_4 x CP^3, which we identify as the duals of certain 1/6 BPS circular Wilson loops in N=6 super Chern-Simons-matter gauge theory. We use our results to verify -in the strong coupling limit- a proposal made in arXiv:1402.4128 for a relation between the expectation value of these Wilson loops and the Bremsstrahlung function from deforming 1/2 BPS Wilson lines with a cusp. We also derive an analogous relation between the expectation value of some particular 1/12 BPS Wilson loops and the Bremsstrahlung function from deforming 1/6 BPS Wilson lines with an internal space cusp.Comment: 25 pages, 1 figures; v2 author ordering correcte

    Nível de Atividade Física e Nível de Estresse de Policiais Militares do 16º BPM de Santa Catarina

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    TCC (Graduação) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina. Centro de Desportos. Curso de Graduação em Educação Física.Atualmente é evidente que nos grandes centros urbanos houve um aumento significativo da criminalidade. Portanto, torna-se necessário dos órgãos competentes de Segurança Pública, entre eles a Polícia Militar, uma rápida resposta no combate ao crime. Para que isso ocorra, os policiais militares devem estar bem preparados não somente na questão técnica e tática, mas também no aspecto físico e psicológico. Diante disso, o objetivo desta pesquisa foi analisar os níveis de atividade física e estresse, fazendo uma associação entre essas variáveis, de 40 policiais militares que atuam no serviço operacional na área da 1ª Companhia do 16º BPM, em Palhoça, SC. Para tal utilizou-se uma pesquisa descritiva do tipo correlacional. Os instrumentos de medidas utilizados foram: o Questionário Internacional de Atividade Física, versão curta (IPAQ), para avaliar o nível de atividade física e para avaliar o nível de estresse dos policiais foi utilizado a escala de estresse percebido (PSS-14), validado por Luft et al., (2007). Os dados foram trabalhados mediante estatística descritiva (média e desvio padrão) bem como com a estatística inferencial não-paramétrica, com os testes Qui-Quadrado e U Mann Whitney, ambos a p≤0,05. Concluiu-se: os policiais militares estão ativos, pouco estressados e parece que para este grupo o estresse dos sujeitos independe do nível de atividade física